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Het Nationaal Strategisch Plan is eindelijk formeel goedgekeurd

Vanmiddag is het Nederlandse Nationaal Strategisch Plan (NSP), dat de nationale uitwerking van het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid (GLB) bevat, eindelijk goedgekeurd door de Europese Commissie.

Uit het persbericht:

The Commission approves the CAP Strategic Plan of the Netherlands
A fair distribution of financial support is one of the economic objectives of the Dutch CAP Strategic Plan. Farmers will receive a higher income support per hectare for their first 40 hectares. €17.5 million will be available every year to cover the costs of weather insurance for farmers so they can be compensated if their harvest is lost due to drought or flood. The Dutch Plan also includes support for 3 000 young farmers to start a farm.”

“The Netherlands will apply strict good agricultural and environmental conditions (#GAECs) on more than 96% of its agricultural area. In addition to that, about €760 million will be used on more than 1.5 million hectares to encourage and support farmers in planting non-productive crops, implementing agricultural practices that protect the soil and reduce the use of nutrients and pesticides.”

“Support for rural development projects and businesses is expected to create around 2 500 jobs. Thanks to direct financial support, around 55 000 persons will benefit from advice, training or knowledge exchange related to environmental or climate-related performance.”

“The Dutch CAP Strategic Plan was jointly prepared by the Dutch Government, the Provinces and the Water Boards to also ensure synergies with other policies and national resources.”

En zie ook deze factsheet over het Nederlandse NSP ‘in vogelvlucht’ (in het Engels):

13 december 2022
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